Tokyo, Japan


After working in various positions such as IT support and as an English Instructor, I decided I wanted to start in a career as a web developer.

To achieve this goal I joined a part time full-stack bootcamp at Le Wagon in Tokyo. At the bootcamp I learnt how to make full production web apps using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PostgreSQL

However along with the programming languages, Le Wagon also taught me how to program as part of a team using technology such as Git.

Now the bootcamp is complete I am ready to start my career as a full-stack developer.


Way to Snow Map

Way to Snow

Way to snow shows live weather information for 285 ski resorts in Japan

It was built over 5 weeks in a team of 3 using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PostreSQL

Task Tanuki

Task Tanuki is a task sharing site, it allows people to post jobs they would like someone to do, and for others to offer to do the job

Task Tanuki
Mr Cocktails

Mr Cocktails

An app to create and save cocktail recipes. This was my first Ruby on Rails app

Japan Prefectures

This app keeps track of all the prefectures in Japan I have visited.

I created this as a side project to keep practicing my ruby skills.

Japan Prefectures
Finance Tracker

Finance Tracker

This is an app to track stock prices

It uses an API to get current stock prices, and lets users see profiles of other users